The University of Southampton

Transitioning from academia into data science - Event

27th of March, 2019  @  15:00 - 16:00
B46 Lecture Theatre C

Event details

Deepak Mahtani will give a 30 minute talk followed by a Q&A session on “Transitioning from academia into data science”. He will cover the following topics:

• What is data science?
• What skills are needed to become a data scientist?
• What sectors does data science touch?
• What do Masters and PhD grads make such amazing data scientists?
• Why you are ready to make the transition now?
In addition, he will then discuss how all the solutions Pivigo offer can help solve the problems that graduate students and postdocs face when looking to move out of academia.
This seminar will be aimed at PhD students and postdocs in any analytical science currently at the University  of Southampton.
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